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About Michelle Poole

Michelle Poole is a dynamic certified executive coach and co-owner of Coaching 4 Good. She is passionate about re-invigorating the hearts and minds of those she works with to help increase their personal and organizational impact. Get started today by scheduling your free consultation!

Why Self-Care is Essential to Staying Resilient – COVID-19 Leadership Series – Part 3

It's Time to Shift Your Perspective on Self-CareIn the aftermath of COVID-19, we can cultivate change in our lives, communities, and the world.  But for now, as you and your neighbors stare at each other [...]

Getting Started with Mindfulness: COVID-19-Building Mental Resilience Series, Part 1

Part 1: What is Mindfulness Practice and How Can I Do It? This is the first of a blog series we’re doing on mindfulness in uncertain times. With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, [...]

Working From Hope : How To Manage Fear And Anxiety in Your Professional Journey-COVID-19 Part 3-Career Transition Series

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic forced upon us a new way of living – social distancing, working from home and homeschooling. The sudden and rapid change in pace, lifestyle [...]

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