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In this webinar, Coach Alice Mar Rocher discuses how shifting inner thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can reduce stress, help you find more win-win solutions, serve others, see opportunities, and be inspiring as a leader!

What viewers have found most useful in this free webinar:

“…understanding the impact of our own energy on us and others; great questions to discover how we are feeling about things.”

“…awareness and indicators of the various levels (good and bad), as well as what type of coaching or areas of attention may be needed.”

More Insight from Alice

In her four-part blog series, Leading Teams Through Disruption, Coach Alice explains how leaders can leverage their teams now to build a better future. Start with part one: Creating Psychological Safety in Work Teams.

, Core Energy Leadership

Alice Mar Rocher

Alice Rocher utilizes her advanced education from the University of Texas at Austin and over 20 years of experience to lead, coach and motivate others to peak performance as senior leaders. She conducts customized, competency-driven transformational coaching using assessments, cutting edge techniques, and coaching methods.

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